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In the year Nineteen Forty Nine, George and Gladys started what would become a 75 year legacy right here on the corner of northeast Forty Ninth avenue. Later, their son Steve would be part of the San Francisco Forty Niners line up. Today, the bar is run by a lifetime Forty Niners fan. So, it seemed only appropriate to give a nod to the Niners' Mascot from the year this all began. As it turns out, in 1949 that mascot was a Mule named Clementine.  Hence the “Mule Bar” and our mascot, Clementine. GO NINERS!


It’s my parent’s fault!  Nearly 40 years ago my mom and dad (Jerry & Carol Krum) bought the Mousetrap Tavern in North Portland, and my entire family started working there in one capacity or another. For almost four decades, the Mousetrap has played a huge role in my family's life, and I believe it has helped us to have a better understanding of real life, and all of its ups and downs.​


Because of the Mousetrap Tavern, we believe strongly in the importance of the Neighborhood Tavern. Since taking over my parent’s bar in 2021, we’ve also had the opportunity to add The G.O.A.T. Bar on NE Sandy, Billy Ray’s Dive on NE MLK, and now The MULE Bar.  We love having places for people to meet over a cold beverage, a bite to eat, see old friends, and make new ones. While the quality of the food and drinks are important, we hope the atmosphere is comfortable and inviting. We’ve worked hard to maintain some of the iconic atmosphere known to so many, while giving it our own twist. The MULE Den is a must see, where you can snuggle next to a warm fire while sipping one of our many specialty MULE cocktails. We sincerely hope that the MULE Bar delivers the perfect setting for whatever you have in mind. Come on in, get comfortable, and let us know how we can serve you.


Cheers – Jerry & Carol’s daughter, Paula Hylland and Son-In-Law Mark Hylland.



© 2024  THE MULE BAR  |  (971) 414-MULE

Mule Skinner BluesDolly Parton
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